We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Just a Bit of Magic by Barb Bissonette. Every morning, Jenny Smith stares into her magic mirror, searching for glimpses of two girls. Today, she is joyful with anticipation, knowing that this is the day they will materialize in her village. Molly has come to the village for a fresh start. Her parents are dead, her boyfriend has cheated on her with her best friend, and she is feeling very alone. Miranda has arrived at the boarding house and work place, but she has her own secrets. Nothing is as it...
New Book Release: “Cityfall” by Lorna Hopkins Keith
We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Cityfall by Lorna Hopkins Keith. After Samanda Lar destroys her ex-husband, the Volen hand her the mission of saving the people of City and establishing their new home. The Volen leave City to dissolve, forcing Sam to deal with her people amid the coming collapse, and the alien colonies on this world. Sam is aided by her twin, Brad, and her alien brother, Max (who becomes Maxee). Joining them is Todd, whose mother took in the twins when their mother left when they were five, and Arlene, the governor's assistant who...
New Book Release: “Rules of the Campfire (Stories in Glass #1)” by Paul Moore
We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Rules of the Campfire (Stories in Glass #1) by Paul Moore. If you woke up one day and realized you had memories from more than seventy lives, fluid in every language you’d ever spoken, and recalled all the texts you’d ever read, would you wonder why? It took Asitr forty years to discover the why. Soon after, he appears as a guest on a radio talk show to bait traps with the telling of stories. He tells tales about his life as one of the world’s most popular and quickly forgotten...
Water Dragon Publishing Welcomes Author Barb Bissonette

We are excited to announce that we have officially signed a deal with author Barb Bissonette for her book, Just a Bit of Magic. Barb Bissonette a retired medical nurse of forty years at Soldiers Memorial Hospital in Orillia, Ontario. As a child, she would write poetry and short stories. Barb belongs to the Muskoka Authors Association. One of the highlights of her career was meeting Lucy Maud’s granddaughter at a book signing in Norval. Lucy Maud’s granddaughter bought one of Barb's Christmas books which is set in Norval and speaks of her grandmother and her life there. Her book,...
New Book Release: “Real Magic for Writers” by Lisa Jacob
We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Real Magic for Writers by Lisa Jacob. Magic is real. It's real in the sense that energy is real. This is energy that can be summoned and controlled by anyone who has the will or desire to make things happen. Magic can be as coincidental as avoiding an accident by taking a different way home; or as sudden as a windfall of money when your car is running on fumes and you need gas to get to work. Magic helps in everyday life. It also helps with writing. Real Magic for...
Water Dragon Publishing Welcomes Author Lorna Keith

We are excited to announce that we have officially signed a deal with author Lorna Keith for her book, Cityfall. Lorna Keith has been writing since her teens. Fascinated by both numbers and words, she is also a musician, photographer, and puzzler. She has self-published a science fiction trilogy, attended many science fiction conventions and writing workshops, and has read science fiction most of her life. She by a lake in Florida with her husband and a chatty calico cat. Her book, Cityfall, is scheduled for publication in Winter 2019. We welcome Lorna to our Water Dragon Publishing family!
Water Dragon Publishing Welcomes Author Paul Moore

We are excited to announce that we have officially signed a deal with author Paul Moore for all three books in his Stories in Glass series. The planned titles and publication dates for his books are: Rules of the Campfire (Book 1 of Stories in Glass) – available Winter 2019. Songs in a Box (Book 2 of Stories in Glass) – available Spring 2020. Balls in Play (Book 3 of Stories in Glass) – available Winter 2020. Paul Moore was born in the Missouri Ozarks, raised in St. Louis, and eventually settled in the sand of central Florida. He calls...
Water Dragon Publishing Welcomes Author Lisa Jacob

We are excited to announce that we have officially signed author Lisa Jacob for her new book, Real Magic for Writers. The planned publication date for Real Magic for Writers is Fall 2019. Lisa Jacob started reading tarot cards at twelve, hiding them from her parents for more than 30 years. With over 30 years of magical experience, using cards and candles, symbols and sigils, she would like to pass her knowledge on to people who may not be magically inclined, but who are looking for that extra edge in their lives. Lisa is also the author of the "Grimaulkin"...
Water Dragon Publishing Welcomes Author Ryan Southwick

We are excited to announce that we have officially signed a deal with author Ryan Southwick for his first three books in The Z-Tech Chronicles series. The planned titles and publication dates for his books are: Angels in the Mist (Book 1 of The Z-Tech Chronicles) – available Spring 2020. Angels Fall (Book 2 of The Z-Tech Chronicles) – available Summer 2020. Wrath of Angels (Book 3 of The Z-Tech Chronicles) – available Fall 2020. Ryan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. When he's not obsessively writing, he's either programming or out in the field trying not to crash...