Songs of a Dead Forest

Travis Wade Beaty

Old songs can bring new life.

A beleaguered dryad in search of safe harbor in a land ravaged by an invasive fungus finds herself at odds with a young dryad who wields the blasphemous magic of men.

The two of them must find a way to work together before a vicious sorcerer hunts them down and puts an end to them both.

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About The Author

Travis Wade Beaty

Travis Wade Beaty

Travis has been a professional actor, Spider-Man at children’s birthday parties, an inventory specialist of fine and rare wine, and a teacher, but his favorite job by far is being a stay-at-home dad to twin girls, two cats, and a dog.

His stories have appeared in Zombies Need Brains’ NOIR anthology, Metaphorosis Magazine, Metastellar, and elsewhere. Travis grew up in Indiana, and after spending a good deal of his twenties in Los Angeles, now resides in Washington, DC.