Water Dragon Publishing

New Book Release: “Figli del tempo sbagliato” (Children of the Wrong Time) by Flavia Idà

Figli del tempo sbagliato

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Italian edition of Children of the Wrong Time (Figli del tempo sbagliato) by Flavia Idà. “Potreste dire di essere stati amati dalle persone giuste, per i motivi giusti, nel modo giusto e al tempo giusto?” I cittadini della Generazione Avanti devono guadagnarsi il diritto di riprodursi, superando un estenuante tirocinio ideato al fine di sradicare l’infelicità umana causata dalle scelte fatte a caso. Michael Holmes e Nora Savins sono pronti ad affrontare il tirocinio; ciò che non sanno è che alcune cose al mondo nasceranno sempre da scelte fatte a...

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New Audio Edition Release: “Mermaid Steel” by Jay Hartlove

Mermaid Steel (audio edition)

We are thrilled to announce the release of the audio edition of Mermaid Steel by Jay Hartlove. The power of love over hate. A human blacksmith and a mermaid weaver fall in love and must overcome the fear and hatred that divides their neighboring villages. Only by reconciling deep cultural differences can the forbidden lovers bring their peoples back from the brink of war. A grand adventure, a hero with a dark past, a powerful goddess, and a message of hope for us all. Narrated by Jenn Broda, the audio edition of Mermaid Steel is available now from Audible, Amazon,...

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The Best Gift You Can Give the Author in Your Life

Of course you're looking for that perfect gift for that author in your life. Here's a gift that will fit every budget: Please leave a review. There are many, many reasons why reviews are important to a book and author's success, but one of the most important ones is this: Please leave a review. The two most important places you can leave your gift of a review are Amazon and Goodreads. You can even post the same review in both places. (Helpful Tip: You don't have to buy the book on Amazon in order to leave a review for it.)...

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New Book Release: “Mermaid Steel” by Jay Hartlove

Mermaid Steel

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Mermaid Steel by Jay Hartlove. The power of love over hate. A human blacksmith and a mermaid weaver fall in love and must overcome the fear and hatred that divides their neighboring villages. Only by reconciling deep cultural differences can the forbidden lovers bring their peoples back from the brink of war. A grand adventure, a hero with a dark past, a powerful goddess, and a message of hope for us all. Mermaid Steel is available now in hardcover, trade paperback, digital, and audio editions. Join us tonight for a live...

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New Book Release: “Balls in Play (Book Three from Stories in Glass)” by Paul S. Moore

We are thrilled to announce the immediate availability of Balls in Play (Book Three from Stories in Glass) by Paul S. Moore. Is it true that heroes are made, not born? Does the right stuff come out of hiding when we recognize the moment the game is on the line? Who will come off the bench to save the world from itself? In these times, it’s good enough just to force the game into extra innings.​ Otis McKinney, Dr. Henry Milton, an embattled Panamanian tribe, a failed baseball prospect, a dedicated cab driver, and the Asmudi family walk into a...

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Water Dragon Publishing Welcomes Author Jay Hartlove

We are excited to announce that we have officially signed a deal with author Jay Hartlove for his book, Mermaid Steel. Jay Hartlove is the playwright, director and producer of The Mirror’s Revenge, the musical sequel to the Snow White fable, which had its theatrical run in the San Francisco Bay Area in August 2018 to rave reviews. Jay is also the award-winning author of the urban fantasy "Goddess Rising" Trilogy (Goddess Chosen, Goddess Daughter, Goddess Rising) and the upcoming fantasy romance Mermaid Steel. His book, Mermaid Steel, is scheduled for publication in November 2020. We welcome Jay to our...

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Join Us for the (Virtual) Book Launch of “Angels in the Mist” by Ryan Southwick

Join us for the (virtual) book launch event for Angels in the Mist (The Z-Tech Chronicles Book One) by Ryan Southwick. Date: Jul 25, 2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Register here for more information about the event: angels-in-the-mist/launch-event Angels in the Mist (The Z-Tech Chronicles Book One) is available now in hardcover, trade paperback, and digital editions. Signed editions are also available. Note: This event will be recorded for possible later use. By attending, you agree that your participation may be used for promotional or other purposes without compensation.

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