The Invisible City

The Stolen Future: Book One

Brian K. Lowe

Charles Clee vanishes from the battlefield only to find himself trapped in a distant future where a desolate Earth is a conquered land, and he is a wanted man.

Surrounded by enemies, he fights back — but when he learns that a time machine may exist to send him home, he must decide: return to die with the men he left behind, or remain to save the woman he loves?

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About The Author

Brian K. Lowe

Brian K. Lowe

Brian K. Lowe has been writing since he was fourteen, when he took it up in a sudden burst of sibling rivalry, and wrote a novella which earned him no money, but a fistful of extra credit points in his English class. Since then, he has graduated from UCLA as an English/Creative Writing major, and currently works for an attorney. His short stories have appeared in Escape Pod, Galaxy's Edge, Daily Science Fiction, and many other venues.