Meet our authors at Loscon 2024 in the Dealers Room and at a variety of panel discussions from November 29, 2024 through December 1, 2024.

Brian C. E. Buhl
Brian C. E. Buhl is the author of the paranormal mystery novel, The Repossessed Ghost and the associated story, “The Psychic on the Jury“. He is also the co-author (with Melissa M. Buhl) of “One for the Road“.

Melissa M. Buhl
Melissa M. Buhl is the co-author (with Brian C. E. Buhl) of “One for the Road“.
Melissa is also the Acquisitions Editor for our companion romance imprint, Cupid’s Arrow Publishing.

Vanessa MacLaren-Wray
Vanessa MacLaren-Wray is the author of All That Was Asked, “Parrish Blue“, The Unremembered King duology, Shadows of Insurrection and Flames of Attrition, and from the “Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy“, Coke Machine and The Smugglers.

Steven Radecki
Steven Radecki is the Managing Editor of Water Dragon Publishing and the executive producer of the Small Publishing in a Big Universe podcast.
Steven is also the author of Building Baby Brother.

Mark London Williams
Mark London Williams wrote the Los Angeles Times best-selling Danger Boy time travel series, among other books and anthology contributions.
Mark is the author of Max Random and the Zombie 500, available this month from Graveside Press.
Watch the Calendar on our website and social media accounts for the times of Steven D. Brewer’s appearances.