Meet our authors at Bay Area Book Festival at Booth 50 (along Allston Way) in Berkeley, California on Sunday, June 2, 2024 from 11:00am – 5:00pm.

Brian C. E. Buhl
Brian C. E. Buhl is the author of the paranormal mystery novel, The Repossessed Ghost and co-author (with Melissa M. Buhl) of the fantasy novella, One for the Road.

Vanessa MacLaren-Wray
Vanessa MacLaren-Wray is the author of All That Was Asked, “Parrish Blue“, Shadows of Insurrection, and, from the “Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy“, Coke Machine and The Smugglers.

Steven Radecki
Steven Radecki is the author of Building Baby Brother and “Aggressive Negotiations” in the Corporate Catharsis anthology.
Steven is also the Managing Editor of Water Dragon Publishing and the executive producer of the Small Publishing in a Big Universe podcast.

Ryan Southwick
Ryan Southwick is the author of “The Z-Tech Chronicles” series.
Ryan decided to dabble at writing late in life after working in the software development industry, making everything from 3-D games to mission-critical business applications to help cure cancer.
Watch our website and social media accounts for the times of our authors’ appearances and for special deals on our books all weekend!