The True Son
A Story of The Unremembered King
Vanessa MacLaren-Wray
Allow your enemy to make his own mistakes.
– Teachings of the Jeskan Guard
As foster-son to the king, Corren’s technically a candidate for the kingship, a position filled only at the discretion of the matriarchs of Jeska. He doesn’t want the job — Corren’s goal in life is to be the best guardsman ever, become a senior commander, and serve at the word of his foster-brother Tymon. Everybody loves Tymon: intelligent, handsome, kind, and generous.
Unfortunately, there’s one more candidate: the king’s true-son, Yutek-en, who’s determined to claim the post. Yutek-en craves control. He relishes hurting people, and loves nothing more than being hated. His toughest victim is Tymon, who endures worse torture than anyone, but won’t beg for mercy.
Corren’s had enough.
No matter what, he’ll protect Tymon — and Jeska — from this monster.
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J. Scott Coatsworth –
“… one of the most beautifully telegraphed swordplays I’ve read in ages. MacLaren-Wray sets up the conflict nicely, and the first-person voice of Corren, the foster heir, is clear and crisp. A great start to what feels like a very promising new fantasy series.”
J. Scott Coatsworth, author of The Tharassas Cycle