A Classic Beginner’s Mistake

Philip Brewer

On a contract to fix a software bug, Trevo is shamed into entering a fencing tournament where poor folks fight for the entertainment of the wealthy. While diagnosing the bug will earn his pay, the insight from his fencing bouts may prove to be worth even more.

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About The Author

Philip Brewer

Philip Brewer

Philip Brewer’s stories often involve genetic engineering and money — perhaps not surprising, as everyone else in his family is some sort of naturalist and he has a degree in economics. Even before his former employer did him the great kindness of closing the site where he’d been working, giving him the opportunity to become a full-time writer, his stories often involved hard economic times.

Philip’s work has appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, Futurismic, Redstone Science Fiction, and Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet. He speaks Esperanto and uses it for international communication.