Balls in Play
Stories in Glass: Book Three
Paul S. Moore
Is it true that heroes are made, not born?
Does the right stuff come out of hiding when we recognize the moment the game is on the line? Who will come off the bench to save the world from itself? In these times, it’s good enough just to force the game into extra innings.
Otis McKinney, Dr. Henry Milton, an embattled Panamanian tribe, a failed baseball prospect, a dedicated cab driver, and the Asmudi family walk into a club … It sounds like the first line of a joke. This club is no joke. They’re playing for all the marbles.
In a chain, stretching from before the Great Flood and into tomorrow, the weakest link is up to bat and he doesn’t know the game rules until he makes them up in the last inning.
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About The Author

Paul S. Moore
Paul S. Moore was born in the Missouri Ozarks, raised in St. Louis, and eventually settled in the sand of central Florida. He calls each of these places home.
His inner mix of hillbilly river rat, lowlands daydreamer, sand road hermit, and reader of nineteenth-century history writers form the base of a non-elite education. These roots allow imagination to turn historic events into serendipitous thoughts. Those thoughts organize into stories, and stories become novels.
With the remedial help of a good critique group, and the birth of publishing companies that read a manuscript without asking first, "What are your credentials?", he's found a voice to share those stories.